15 WordPress Plugins die jedes Blog haben muss

Die besten 15 besten WordPress Plugins die zweifellos von jedem benutzt werden sollten

  • Add Related Posts to Your Feed – Adds the above mentioned Related Posts to your feed
  • All-in-One SEO Pack – This is the ultimate Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plugin.
  • Akismet –catch most spam
  • Bad Behavior – Prevents known spam bots from accessing your website and is compatible with Akismet (mentioned above).
  • Easy Retweet – tweet the posts
  • Gamer’s Pack – This is a plugin that makes your website easily viewable on the Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS, and Sony PSP
  • Google Analytics for WordPress – Google Analytics with extra search engines and automatic clickout and download tracking to your WordPress blog.
  • Google Sitemaps – Generates an XML-Sitemap file of your website that Google, Yahoo!, and MSN will use to index your blog.
  • Permalink Redirect – This plugin does a permanent 301 redirect.
  • Latest Tweets – This widget displays a specified number of your latest tweets in your blog.
  • Related Posts –  shows a specified number of related entries below your post
  • Scissors –  handling of images by introducing cropping, resizing, rotating, and watermarking functionality.
  • SocioFluid – SocioFluid is a social bookmarking plugin for wordpress.
  • WordPress Popular Posts – This is a great plugin that displays a pre-determined number of your sites most popular posts,
  • WP-Ban – WP-Ban provides the ability to ban users by IP, IP Range, host name, user agent and referer url
  • WP-Contact Form – Many e-mail spammers search the web looking for e-mail addresses to use for spam purposes.
  • WP-DB Manager – This plugin gives you full control of your database
  • WP-Polls – Adds an AJAX poll system to your WordPress blog

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